The large Ironstone tower of St Lawrence's Church is a prominent feature of the Towcester skyline. It has probably contained bells since its construction in 1485; today the tower houses one of the finest rings of twelve bells in the world, and keen band of ringers.

In 2000 an automatic carillon complete with nine chiming bells was installed above the ring of twelve. These bells form the Westminster Quarters for the clock, and play various tunes and hymns throughout the day.

In 2015 the chiming apparatus was updated to a more modern system which allows greater control and flexibility. It is controlled from a tablet and can not only strike the hours and play tunes, it can also play methods from any place notation. It also rings the curfew bell each day, a tradition dating back hundreds of years.



Founded in 1981, the Sunday Service band is constituted as the "St Lawrence Society of Ringers", and has ensured that the bells are rung on Sundays before Parish Communion, for Church festivals, and other services as required. Current Ringing times from June 2023 are:

1st - 4th 0830 - 0915
5th Benefice service - 0915 if at Towcester but may be at another church in the benefice, please check

Practice Night

Friday 2000 - 2130

The band is very strong in terms of both numbers and ability. At the most recent AGM, ringing membership numbered 23; practices cater for all levels of ringing on twelve, from rounds to Spliced Surprise Maximus.

The society is closely integrated with the Church; many members serve, or have served on the PCC in various capacities. The Summer and Christmas dinners are notable Town occasions, with the Mayor and other dignitaries as guests, as well as many ringers from around the country.

Ringers of all abilities are welcome at practice or on a Sunday; Towcester has always been a principal teaching tower in the area, and is a registered "Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Ringing Centre", equipped with a dumb-bell, simulator, and neighbouring conference-style facilities.